Corporate and Commercial Banking
An introduction to the role of cash flow analysis in client relationships in general, and the delivery of your bank’s financing solutions in particular:
- Drivers of Capital Structure: revenues, asset levels, return measurements and financing needs
- Deployment and Allocation of Capital: the purpose of loans, and the alternative sources of repayment
- Cash Flow Value Drivers: Income statement and balance sheet analysis: identification of key cash flow value drivers
- Debt Capacity: Cash flow and debt capacity: determination of how much bank debt a borrower can safely service and repay in a timeframe acceptable to the bank
- Forecasting and Break Even Analysis: How projected cash flows are forecasted, with a particular emphasis on using debt capacity to determine appropriate stress tests and downside scenarios
- Cash Flow and Capital Structure: The application of cash flow and debt capacity techniques in enabling bankers to arrive at appropriate loan and capital structuring techniques in ensuring the long-term sustainability of a company’s ability to service and repay debt
Assuming a base level of knowledge of cash flow construction (see Cash Flow Analysis I Program), participants will be introduced to how the cash flow statement can be used as a tool for determining the capital allocation decisions taken by the borrower.
The program will use real life cases to review the ways in which cash flows are identified and measured, their sustainability validated, the borrower’s debt capacity quantified, and how such cash flows are channeled in order to ensure repayment of the bank loan.